Toycon 2012 Event Aftermath Day 3

Written by Chad

June 18, 2012


And we are now on the last day (Day 3) of the 11th Philippines Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention and there are still more programs for that day.

There were band performances from Evening Tea Time and from Kamikazee which roared the crowd with an hour of awesome music. Also from Day 3 was the continuation of the Cosplay Competition for the group category as well as gamer babe and booth babe, and here are the winners:

Group Cosplay – Team Suna (Naruto Shippuden)
Booth Babe – Jia Gold Bustamante
Game Girl – Kristel Ingresso

We had a blast at Toycon 2012, the 3-day event was really exhausting but fun. We are looking forward for the Toycon event next year, and of course, we will still cover the event and hopefully host our own booth again.

Stay tuned for our Aftermath Video and post about our Toycon booth.

You can jump to these links for the photos of Day 1 and Day 2.



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