BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia today announced the release of two new DLCs for the SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays – paid DLC “Additional Dispatch Mission Set 1” as well as the first free DLC “Sisquiede AEUG Color” Production List Registration Access & additional character “Sig Wednner” – for the PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch™ / STEAM
Furthermore, check out the newly released PV that introduces the battle scenes of new units and characters recorded in the “Additional Dispatch Mission Set 2” that is scheduled for delivery in January 2020.
DLC “Additional Dispatch Mission Set 1” is now available!
“Season Pass” with Additional Dispatch Mission Set 1 to 4 are also on sale!
Release Anniversary! Free DLC vol.1 “Sisquiede AEUG Color” Production List Registration Access & Additional Character “Sig Wednner” are now available!
[Free DLC vol.1 ]
“Sisquiede (AEUG) Color”
Additional Character “Sig Wednner”