Bioware has just announced that they will be releasing two DLCs for their hit sci-fi RPG Mass Effect 3, bringing more content for Mass Effect fans to enjoy. The first once called the Resurgence Pack will be an add-on pack for the multiplayer feature of the game. The second DLC will the Extended Cut; adding extended scenes to the ending of the game.
The Resurgence Pack will feature new unlockables for the multiplayer, bringing more content to the multiplayer experience. New unlockables include additional characters such as the Batarian Sentinel and Soldier, Geth Engineer and Infiltrator, the Asari Justicar Adept and the Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard, bringing unique classes for more diversity in the battlefield.
New weapons are also included in the DLC:
- Striker Assault Rifle – Krogan rifle with explosive rounds. Its rate of fire increases when the trigger is held.
- Kishock Harpoon Gun – Deadly one-shot batarian weapon. Causes bleed-out or disruption of target.
- Geth Plasma SMG – Fully-automatic geth submachine gun. Its rate of fire increases when the trigger is held.
New maps will also be featured as well:
- Firebase Condor – A warzone outpost located on one of Palaven’s moons, Firebase Condor represents a crucial asset in the defense of the Turian homeworld, providing the beleaguered turian fleet with a place to refuel and repair. Its loss could grant the Reapers unparalleled access to the Inner Council Theatre.
- Firebase Hydra – Firebase Hydra is located in an old abandoned Quarian colony which humans took over when they originally settled the world of Ontarom. It has since been converted into a massive dam facility which powers the communications hub located at Firebase Dagger and the kinetic barrier which protects it. Without this critical power source, Systems Alliance communications within the entire theatre would go dark.
The Extended Cut DLC will bring closure and more explanation to the game’s controversial ending. Bioware createda FAQ to further explain the DLC:
What can fans expect from the Extended Cut DLC?
- For fans who want more closure in Mass Effect 3, the DLC will offer extended scenes that provide additional context and deeper insight to the conclusion of Commander Shepard’s journey.
Are there going to be more/different endings or ending DLCs in the future?
- No. BioWare strongly believes in the team’s artistic vision for the end of this arc of the Mass Effect franchise. The extended cut DLC will expand on the existing endings, but no further ending DLC is planned.
What is BioWare adding to the ending with the Extended Cut DLC?
- BioWare will expanding on the ending to Mass Effect 3 by creating additional cinematics and epilogue scenes to the existing ending sequences. The goal of these new scenes is to provide additional clarity and closure to Mass Effect 3.
When will the Extended Cut DLC be available?
- Currently the Extended Cut DLC is planned for this summer, no specific date has been announced at this point.
Why are you releasing the Extended Cut DLC?
- Though we remain committed and are proud of the artistic choices we made in the main game, we are aware that there are some fans who would like more closure to Mass Effect 3. The goal of the DLC is not to provide a new ending to the game, rather to offer fans additional context and answers to the end of Commander Shepard’s story.
Will there be more Mass Effect 3 DLC?
- More content is being planned and we will release information at a later date.
The Resurgence Pack DLC is scheduled to release on April 10 for all platforms, the Extended Cut DLC is scheduled this summer. Both DLCs can be downloaded for free.
Okay, so, on a more serious note.I think the prbelom is that the industry moves forward and people are worried that things will change and they won’t be able to enjoy what they currently do.Let’s take the example of free-to-play games. Subscription-based games are a really good deal for a lot of people; it’s one of the cheapest forms of entertainment today. People see free-to-play games that put limitations on the games and don’t want to feel nickeled and dimed to death. They worry that subscription-based games will go away and they won’t get their good deal anymore.We can see this in FPSes. Where are the FPSes with lots of little secrets and hidden doors to find? There’re much rarer than the linear cut-scene games today. You might think that’s better, but others disagree.Sometimes I think the issues make players face realities they’d rather not. Take DLC, it makes players realize that they can get sick of their favorite games if they buy ever piece of DLC that comes out. It also reminds them of how much power the publisher or developer has over the game. Of course, this isn’t to say that the publishers or developers haven’t abused this power a lot. I still think DLC on the disc is a trend that needs to die. I think there’s a trend toward conservative thinking as a whole. Life kind of sucks right now for a lot of people with the global economic prbeloms. There’s a certain desire to look backwards toward better times. Change can be scary for people, and they want to resist it in many forms they don’t see an immediate benefit.And, as I joked in that first posting, it’s easier to complain that do something. So, people complain. A lot.