MSI Beat It! Overdrive Reloaded

Written by Chad

August 24, 2013




August 30 to September 1, 2013

4/F Annex Event Area, SM City North EDSA




MSI Beat It! DOTA 2 Online Qualifiers

Battle for the last two (2) slots!

General Information:

Date: August 25, 2013 (Sunday)
No registration fee, online registration is required 

Prizes for both Champion & Runner-up:

(5) $10 Steam Wallet for Champion + Slot to the Grand Finals

Check-in time:

10:00am – 11:00am: Check-in time for registered teams.

(registered teams must join at this fb group for check-in)
11:15am – onwards: Start of tournament – incomplete roster will result to disqualification

Non-PH teams/players are not allowed to join

Tournament Format: No limit to number of teams

Single Elimination

Online Pre-Registration is until August 24, 2013 (Saturday)

How to Register:

Post in the comment section below with the following format:
Team Name:
Contact Number:
Team Members: (tag members)



August 31, 2013 (Saturday)

HOW TO JOIN?        

E-mail the following with the subject: I Want to Join!

  • Your details: Complete Name, Character Name, Mobile Number
  • Reference pictures. This must include screen capture, poster, or any other official medium that will reveal the character’s full costume. The pictures should reveal different views of the character (i.e. front, back, sides)
  • Animated picture of your character.
  • Your presentation music in MP3 format, 128 kbps, 44.1 Khz via email.

Participants for each category will be shortlisted to perform on the main event:

  • Best Game-inspired: 10 participants
  • Best Chibi: 5 participants
  • (Special category) Costrip: 5 participants

Qualified participants are required to bring the following upon registration on the event day:

  • I.D.
  • Signed parent’s consent/waiver (if minor)
  • Characters profile/introduction (1 to 2 sentences)



I.    Eligibility

  • Anyone who cosplays is a qualified participant, subject to online pre-screening.
  • By registering to the cosplay contest, participants agree to allow MSI to use their images for promotional purposes, both photographs and video.

II.   General Information

  • Costume and/or skit content should not go beyond “PG-13”.
  • Offensive language of any kind is not allowed — no racial or sexual epithets; no profanity, etc.
  • No excessive violence.
  • No nudity.
  • No yaoi, yuri, or hentai.
  • Be clever, not crass! If you think your costume or presentation might be too risqué or offensive, it probably is.
  • No fire, flame, smoke, fog, dry ice, wind machines, lasers, pressurized gases or liquids.
  • No messy substances—wet, dry, or oily—at the backstage or onstage.
  • No jumping on or off stage—please use the officially designated stage entrances and exits.
  • All weapons must be peace-bonded and approved. Pointing weapons at anyone will NOT be tolerated.
  • Contestants are not allowed to use their stage time to make political, religious, insulting, or other demonstrations not related to their entry.
  • All decisions made by the organizers are final.

III.   Criteria for Judging

 Judging will be based on “Presentation” and “Workmanship”.

  • All participants will be given a 2-minute presentation time — either a walk-on or a traditional skit.
  • Each contestant will appear in only one stage performance.
  • While we appreciate costumes from other genres, MSI will prefer those costumes of gaming characters from Avatar Star and Dragon Nest. If your costume originates from any other genres, it may still qualify under the “Costrip Special Category”.

 Presentations will be judged based on the performance of the cosplayer.

Types of presentations:

  • Regular skit – Traditional skits in which the main activities include a character acting out a scene. Duration may be up to two (2) minutes.
  • Walk-on – quick presentation consisting of a few poses intended to show off a costume. Duration may be up to 40 seconds.
  • Pre-recorded music and dialogue are preferred and strongly encouraged, but not required.
  • Do not submit valuable original CDs. Bring backup copies of your audio to ensure it’s not lost. MSI is not responsible for damage to or loss of CDs or any other media, so please ONLY use “disposable” rewritable CDs rather than more valuable items.
  • Include the name of your contact person and entry name in the filename.
  • Clearly label CD with your name and skit title.
  • One track on CD is preferred; we cannot change tracks or start in the middle of a track.
  • We cannot play or rip music off portable MP3 players, such as iPods or cell phones.
  • Leave the stage as clean as it was when you set foot on it. Arrange to remove all items you brought on stage at the end of your presentation.
  • Don’t plan for complex lighting. The default lighting cue is: lights go up, music starts, you come on at stage right, you leave on stage left, music stops, lights go down.

 Costume Workmanship criteria are based on the following factors:


Overall Construction:

  • Use of materials, construction methods and durability.
    • Representation of your costume to the character design.
    • Skill in scale and body fit adaptation.
    • Resemblance to character shown in documentation
    • Use of appropriate or innovative methods and applications.
  • Extra points may be awarded at the judges’ discretion for construction done above and beyond the normal effort expected for a costume.

NOTE: Onsite cosplayers are welcome, subject to slot availability. Pre-registered cosplayers will be prioritized.

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