This hit PlayStation Portable classic that is jumping to the smartphone and tablet scene now has an English release.
It’s been 5 years since the release of Monster Huter Freedom Unite on the PlayStation Portable, during those times, gamers gather in coffee shops, restaurants, malls and even schools so they can enjoy a hunting session with their fellow hunters cooperatively. Now Capcom made an announcement of the iOS version of the game, the hunters will again relive their glorious hunting days.
Now developed by Hexadrive, team behind the development of The 3rd Birthday with Square Enix and also made some HD remake projects such as Okami HD and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The iOS version will feature HD visuals (now at 2048 x 1536 pixels), a Co-Op multiplayer feature via GameCenter for online and Wi-Fi for local multiplayer, then finally touchscreen optimized controls. A new addition is the new target camera system, one option is exclusive to the iOS where the camera will lock on the targeted monster, the other features are the standard target camera view from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and the no target feature from the original.
The iOS version of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite was already released in Japan (known as Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G) for 1600 Yen.
No release date has been announced for the Western version.