Mighty No. 9 Gets New Funding Campaign and Animated Series

Written by Chad

July 5, 2014


As Mighty No. 9 gets more progress on its development, Keiji Inafune opened up another funding campaign to provide more content to the anticipated indie game.

Keiji made this announcement on Anime Expo 2014 recently where he stated that they will be launching another crowd funding for Mighty No. 9, they decided to open another campaign based on the feedbacks from the community that wanted to contribute for the completion of the game and right after the first funding campaign has ended. Though he explained that this funding campaign is meant to provide bonus content to the game and not to add more funds for the completion on the existing content of the main game.

This means a new stretch goals will be added for the new campaign and the first revealed stretch goal (for $100,000) will be a full English voice acting feature for the game. For more concerns about the new funding campaign, you can head on to their FAQ link.


You can also pre-order Mighty No. 9 even if you are not a backer from any of their campaigns with the help from Humble Bundle. They revealed the first list of packages available for pre-order:

  • Gotta Have It – $23 [Digital copy of the game only]
  • Gotta Have It All – $50 [Digital game copy plus digital rewards:  digital soundtrack, digital retro-style manual, digital artbook/strategy guide]
  • Gotta Have It All NOW – $80 [Digital game copy, Digital reward bundle, Steam Early Access]

Other possible options for the pre-order include bundle copies and special bundles that will offer bonus content.


And that’s not the end of their announcement, Mighty No. 9 will be having its own Animated Series. A teaser video was premiered at the Anime Expo and the said series will be in CGI.



Digital Frontier will be handling the video production for the series, they are also responsible for the CG works in Resident Evil: Damnation and Tekken: Blood Vengeance as well as CG openings and motion capture for games like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Vanquish, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Binary Domain.

The series is expected to have a worldwide release on 2nd quarter of 2016. No other info were revealed for the voice actors and director for the show. You can get to know more about this new project from their FAQ.


You can also check more updates about Mighty No. 9 from their official website and Kickstarter page

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