Fists were flying and super moves were executed, EVO 2014 had a couple of amazing matches and we listed down who made it as champions.
The world’s biggest fighting game tournament has come to a close, with over 5600 contenders in over 40 different countries, these brave warriors showed tremendous skills and determination to be crowned as the top player in the fighting game scene. We also witnessed newcomers in EVO 2014, showing their full potential and proving to the veterans that they can go head-to-head with them.
Some of the best moments we saw are the comeback moments, those moments where you though these players will never make it to the top and yet they proved us wrong. These include the Finals at the BlazBlue: Chronophantasma between Gerireo (Litchi) and Dogura (Azrael), Injustice: Gods Among Us Finals with RG|Sonic Fox (Batgirl) against AK.EMPR|Pig of the Hut (Zod) and with Ultra Street Fighter IV’s finals between MD|Luffy (Rose) versus Bonchan (Sagat). We also get to see Justin Wong’s return as a champion for Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, where he had a really close match against 2012 EVO champion Filipino Champ.
You can check the videos of the finals and the results of the major tournaments below
Ultra Street Fighter IV
1. MD|Luffy (Rose)
2. Bonchan (Sagat)
3. RZR|Fuudo (Fei Long)
4. RG|Snake Eyez (Zangief)
5. RZR|Gackt (Fei Long)
5. EG|Ricky Ortiz (Rufus, Rolento)
7. EG|Momochi (Ken, Juri)
7. HORI|sako (Elena, Evil Ryu, Gen, Ibuki)
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
1. EG|JWong (Wolverine/Storm/Akuma)
2. GG|NYChrisG (Morrigan/Doctor Doom/Vergil, Morrigan/Magneto/Doctor Doom)
3. RG|Filipino Champ (Magneto/Doctor Doom/Phoenix, Magneto/Dormammu/Doctor Doom, Morrigan/Magneto/Doctor Doom)
4. CTRL|RayRay (Magneto/Doctor Doom/Sentinel)
5. RG|Flocker (Zero/Vergil/Hawkeye, Zero/Dante/Vergil)
5. Jan (Hulk/Shuma-Gorath/Haggar, Haggar/Sentinel/Shuma-Gorath)
7. MRN|Marn (Zero/Vergil/Strider Hiryu)
7. HOC.BIFU|Insaynne (Nova/Spencer/Doctor Doom)
Super Smash Bros. Melee
1. C9|Mang0 (Fox)
2. Crs.Hungrybox (Jigglypuff, Fox, Falco)
3. P4K.EMP|Armada (Peach, Young Link)
4. EG|PPMD (Falco, Marth)
5. P4K.EMP|Mew2King (Sheik, Marth, Peach)
5. MOR.RZR|AXE (Pikachu)
7. Fly Amanita (Ice Climbers)
7. GC|Silent Wolf (Fox)
Killer Instinct
1. KN.RM|CDjr (Sadira)
2. RG|Rico Suave (Thunder, Fulgore, Glacius, Jago, Sabrewulf)
3. EG|JWong (Sabrewulf)
4. GutterMagic (Thunder)
5. TSwagg (Sadira)
5. IC.EWTH|MyGod 88 (Sabrewulf)
7. Pretty E (Orchid)
7. MrGrimmmz (Jago)
9. EG|PR Balrog (Orchid)
9. IC.EWTH|Grief 88 (Sadira)
9. EMPR|MENZO (Galcius)
9. Hit Box|Tyrant (Spinal)
13. KPB|Dreamcrusher (Sabrewulf)
13. Todakai57 (Fulgore)
13. RG|Filipino Champ (Glacius)
13. Rocksteady (Glacius)
BlazBlue: Chronopahantasma
1. Garireo (Litchi)
2. Dogura (Azrael)
3. BE.TSB|Dora Bang (Bang)
4. Yoshiki (ν-13-)
5. tiku (Tager)
5. N-O (Rachel)
7. Tochigin (Azrael)
7. SG (Litchi)
The King of Fighters XIII
1. QANBA|Xiaohai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
2. MCZ|TOKIDO (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Chin)
3. LDA|ET (Clark/Mr. Karate/EX Iori, EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
4. Cafeid|MADKoF (Duo Lon/Daimon/Kim, Daimon/Chin/Kim, Daimon/King/Kim)
5. Woo (King/Takuma/Kim)
5. TC|Yoshi (EX Kyo/Benimaru/Shen, EX Kyo/Billy/Shen)
7. VGM|Misterio (Yuri/Saiki/King)
7. TC|Chris KOF (Duo Lon/Iori/Shen)
Injustice: Gods Among Us
1. RG|SonicFox (Batgirl)
2. AK.EMPR|Pig of the Hut (Zod)
3. IC.EWTH|MIT 88 (Deathstroke, Batgirl, Aquaman)
4. GGA|pimpimjim (Hawkgirl, Raven, Shazam)
5. EMPR|Noobe (Doomsday)
5. IC.EWTH|DJT 88 (Aquaman, Doomsday, Green Lantern, The Flash)
7. GGA|16 Bit (Catwoman)
7. FRQ.LSTN|Emperor Theo (Aquaman)