You might just be able to enjoy movies and popular cable serials on demand in Xbox One as we get a tease on HBO Go’s availability on the console itself.
While consoles have long ventured out from just a mere gaming machine into an improved multimedia device, Xbox One could just be one step ahead as HBO GO, the streaming service from American Cable Giant, HBO, is leaked to be available for the console itself. The leak started out in a reddit thread which leaked some photos of the said app running on the console. As the title of the said thread suggests, the app is said to be now on its testing or beta phase and will hopefully launch soon together with the numerous multimedia app for the console.
Fans of the Xbox One positively reacted to this news, and some are even willing to be part of the tester pool for the application. HBO GO can be obtained through traditional cable TV via Premium Subscription to HBO, which means that having this application handy for the Xbox One could possibly cut down the costs of playing next-gen console games while streaming your favorite movies and cable shows on demand. HBO GO is also announced to become a standalone service for 2015 by HBO CEO Richard Plepler, which means that subscribers need not to subscribe to HBO first before subscribing to HBO GO but rather can go ahead and subscribe to HBO GO directly and enjoy its services.