Visuals is still great even for a handheld port of the game, as it can run at 60fps for the whole time without any sign of slowdowns. You can adjust the thickness of the outline of the characters to your liking. Super Smash Bros. managed to put up a lot of tracks for its list of soundtracks ranging from other popular Nintendo games and from guest characters such as Sonic and Pac-Man. This also lets you customize which track you want to play in specific matches, in addition, each stage will have 2 unique soundtracks.
As for the controls, you can customize the layout to your liking, as well as the option to add a jump function whenever you press up on your circle pad. Unfortunately there is no option to switch the movement controls to the directional pad, which can be a letdown to some who prefers using the directional pad over the circle pad, as the circle pad has some tendencies not to input your moves correctly, which can be difficult for some to land good combos. But the circle pad is still comfortable to use for a fighting game, just make sure not to overdo yourself in playing Smash, otherwise you could break your circle pad
Online play has its shares of hiccups, there are times that you will encounter matches with poor latency, resulting in a really laggy match, but if you got lucky in finding a match with a good connection, fighting online will be fun, especially in 4-player Smash modes. We tested a couple of matches online and we haven’t encountered a match that has a slow connection. There are two options for the online match; For Fun and For Glory, For Fun is more for the casual players who are looking for matches that allow items and only the wins will be recorded, while For Glory is a match that aims for competitive players where their wins and losses will be recorded and only the flat stages will be available and no items are allowed.
Overall, Super Smash Bros. is a fun game whether you play it solo, online or with friends. The game offers a ton of characters and different game modes to suit your taste. If you want to try a Smash Bros. game, this is your chance, as for long time Smash fans, this is also a must buy.
Game Rating: 4 out of 5
Super Smash Bros. was co-produced by Sora Ltd. And Bandai Namco and was published by Nintendo