For this episode of Digital Deals, Humble Bundle will be having a console bundle sale for the first time.
That’s right folks, Humble Bundle will having a special bundle sale that is exclusive for the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS, a first for console exclusive games.
For any price that you pay, you will be able to bring home Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (Wii U), Woah Dave! (3DS), Mighty Switch Force! (3DS), Purchase with at least $9 and you can purchase The Fall (Wii U), OlliOlli (Wii U and 3DS) Moon Chronicles Episode 1 (3DS) plus some mystery games that will be announce soon. Or pay more than $10 and you will also get Stealth Inc. 2 (Wii U) and Steamworld Dig (Wii U and 3DS)
Take note that these games are only available for US & CA console owners, so be sure to double check your units if they are eligible for the bundle.
For more details, visit