Plus a bonus of Watchdogs outfits if you are lucky.
Right after launching the new update for The Division, some players have discovered some new changes in their wardrobe. Some users shared their discoveries on Reddit where they found some costumes based on other Ubisoft games such as Splinter Cell, Assassin’s Creed and Watchdogs replacing some of their current outfit, it is still unsure if these items were made up by the user or a rare bug that revealed some hidden or unannounced content. Though it would be cool to have them, but there were some issues that they were experiencing as some items went missing while some just lost their entire character and items.
But on the brighter side, Ubisoft has been aware of the issue in which they have discovered the source of the problem and an update is coming out soon. The recently launched version 1.1.0 update also fixed one major bug where players have missing backpacks and also causing them not to log into the game.
As for the special costumes that were discovered, it is still unknown if it is also a bug or a special promo for The Division as there weren’t any announcements about the new costumes, hopefully we could get some news about it very soon.
There is also a video showing the said costume from Assassin’s Creed