2. While named WarCraft, and with the Numerous battle scenes, it will not be all about War.
Warning: Some minor story spoilers incoming, proceed at your own risk
While the lot of the film trailers depict the bloody conflict of Humans and Orcs, a large part of the previews also show the other side of both warring parties, and the vital factor in which the story of the film will revolve on and that is Survival. While the Orcs initiated the Invasion of Azeroth through the corruption of Gul’dan by the Burning Legion, the other Orcish groups lead by Durotan and Doomhammer arrive at Azeroth in hopes to escape the dreaded corruption that have befallen their race, or in short as Refugees. These groups and their leaders in turn seek to strike a deal with the Humans from the Alliance, which is also show in the trailers as they request for a safe haven away from the conflict. Aside from a story of War and Survival, WarCraft will also seek to portray the internal conflict and mistrust between the 2 main factions, and even hints of betrayal, through the way of external forces and personal interests.

Durotan and Doomhammer, your new BFF Goals
1. Yes it may not be a 100% adaptation of the Video Game Lore
Gamers who have stayed true to the WarCraft games have been blessed with the extensive knowledge of its lore and will soon point out the major plot differences as well as what’s hot or not in the upcoming film Adaptation. While it is expected for the film to follow the game lore since Blizzard is part of its production we would all have to understand that there maybe problems in depicting the other story elements from the game to the big screen. This has been the case with the lot of Video Game to Movie Adaptations and it is no doubt that it may also be the case for the WarCraft film as well, although we can all hope that only minor and easy to explain details are lost in translation and can easily be covered up with other elements in the movie. While it may surely not mirror the events of WarCraft: Orcs and Humans in which it was based, we can all hope that perhaps it will retell the story of WarCraft in such a way that we may see it differently, but it can still be highly related to what actually transpired in the video game series.
BONUS: It is not about DotA!
It is without doubt that a big chunk of the newer generation discovered WarCraft through the way of its highly popular mod (now standalone game) Defense of the Ancients and there can a lot of similarities and familiar names and terms being used in the film that has come from the game, take Lothar for example, and while Defense of the Ancients did take a huge inspiration from WarCraft III’s actual lore especially in its character backstories, for the love of the Titan High Council DO NOT ever call the WarCraft Film as a film about Defense of the Ancients trust us, it’s for your own sake, unless you wanna be visited by the Old Gods in your sleep and have you consumed by their darkness, not to mention the mob of angry geeks that will pepper you with hard facts about just how you were wrong.

Come on now Children, you don’t want to upset Yogg-Saron now do you?
WarCraft will be out in the Philippines this coming May 25, also, you can get a free copy of World of WarCraft when you watch it in participating SM Cinemas nationwide.
Why does this say “Filipino Viewers?”
Are Filipinos notoriously stupid about these things? I belong to the generation who was able to play the first Warcraft game on my Pentium PC. And things cited here are have nothing to do with Filipino viewers, cause it’s just common sense. Having to specifically target a race of people about this is demeaning. How about “things to keep in mind if you’re going to watch warcraft?”
And dude, don’t put spending hours with your girlfriend in your description. You don’t need to prove to everyone you have a girlfriend. It’s just normal to have one. actually the normal thing is, you hide from your girlfriend so you can fuck some other chick you just met.
Uh, IDK brah, because from what I know this site is based on the Philippines and is catered towards the gen-y audience who only knew WarCraft when Dora existed? And you seem to be single enough to be triggered by someone with a girlfriend l.
LOL #Triggered