Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia announce today, Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers’ collector’s edition will be available for Southeast Asia this coming 5th August 2016.
The collector’s edition will consist of the PlayStation 4 game, an exclusive box illustrated by Masami Oubari, Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers Official mechanic reference guide, special content animation, and a special selection OST. Both official mechanic guide and special animation content will be in English. This collector’s edition will be an essential item for die-hard Super Robot Wars fans.
Pre-order the game and receive an iRing mobile accessory* with illustration by Masami Oubari.
*This is a limited quantity not for sale item. While stocks last.
First Hands-on!
Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers (English) will be available for trial at C3 Chara Expo! Be one of the first few in the world to try the game before launch.