The sequel to Man of Steel, Warner Bros. and DC’s recent take on Superman lead by Henry Cavill is now reported to be in development by WB. According to The Wrap, Man of Steel, which first had its theatrical release back in 2013 will definitely be having a part 2, and that WB is putting high priority in regards to “getting the character right for audiences” albeit a release date maybe up in the air as WB’s DC Cinematic Universe will have its hands full until 2020.
While the release date hasn’t been finalized yet, Man of Steel 2 maybe geared for release on either October 5, 2018 or November 1, 2019 as Warner Bros. is said to have 2 untitled DC films to come out on both days. Man of Steel was considered to be a box office hit, garnering USD 668 Million in sales although it received mixed reactions from critics and fans who were divisive on the movie’s dark tone. Man of Steel was the first in the series of standalone superhero movies based on the DC Comic book universe for WB’s buildup towards their theatrical adaptation of the Justice League series.
Both DC and Marvel has received much critique regarding the handling and adaptation of their recent Superhero movies, starting from Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, and most recently Suicide Squad. Wonder Woman will be the next in line for a movie adaptation by WB as part of their theatrical Justice League series adaptation, and will be out on June 21, 2017.