Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia today launched its latest and highly anticipated installment in the Gundam universe, SD Gundam G-Generation Genesis. Available now for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita with Japanese voice-over and English subtitles, the game brings together the best of the Gundam universe with a wide range of characters and mobile suits that fully immerse players into their favorite storylines.
SD Gundam G-Generation Genesis covers 100 years of Universal Century history, spanning 17 series, and includes the original chapters of the SD Gundam series storyline. Players can combine all of the mobile suits and characters from the series to create their own original fleet, for a unique and personalized Gundam simulation experience.
Additionally, players can further expand their mobile suit lineup by developing, designing and exchanging a huge variety of mecha parts with other players.
Launching simultaneously across Asia and Japan today, this installment delivers improved graphics and more dynamic movement through Stream Rendering Animation. Gundam fans can also enjoy the key storylines from their favorite series through seamless cut-scenes that don’t slow down the pace of battle.
First released in 1998, the G-Generation series is designed to deliver a comprehensive experience of the Gundam universe. Through this latest installment, both new and returning players can play through the original chapters in order to experience the full SD Gundam series storyline.
Additionally, players who download the game on December 6th will receive an early purchase bonus: Download Contents Pass. This Pass will allow them to download several items for free when they are released: PHOENIX ZERO ONE; Mobile Suite Gundam MSV-R: The Return of Johnny Ridden; Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash; Mobile Suite Gundam THE ORIGIN; ADVANCE OF Z THE FLAG OF TITANS; and Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt.
For more information about the game, please visit the Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia official Facebook page at: