More Amiibos Are Coming Your Way

Written by Chad


April 13, 2017

More Legend of Zelda, Splatoon 2 and the long awaited final batch of Super Smash Bros. will be arriving in a few months.

Just this morning during the Nintendo Direct livestream event, Nintendo has revealed that there will be more Amiibo figures arriving later this year. Among them are three new Amiibo figures for The Legend of Zelda 30th Anniversary series, they are Majora’s Mask Link, Twilight Princess Link, and Skyward Sword Link where the figures are modeled after the original key art for their respective games. These can unlock new exclusive items for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game, expect to see the new Amiibo figures on June 23.

Another is for Splatoon 2, the three new figures feature new versions of Inkling Girl, Inkling Boy, and Squid, the figures will be available at the same day of Splatoon 2’s release day which is on July 21. Take note that all previously released Splatoon Amiibos will also work on Splatoon 2’s Amiibo function.

And finally the long awaited final batch of Super Smash Bros. Amiibos will be arriving on July 21. These include Bayonetta (Bayonetta 2), Cloud (Final Fantasty VII) and Corrin (Fire Emblem Fates) that were revealed last December 2015 but details for the release date were never mentioned for more than a year until now. And to make up for the long delay, Nintendo will be releasing not just three, but six Amiibos. Each of the Amiibos will have their alternate variants, Bayonetta will get the Bayonetta 1 version, Cloud will get the Advent Children outfit and Corrin will get the female version.

So ready your wallets once again for another Amiibo spree.

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