A brawl of metal that is 2 years in the making is finally gonna happen.
MegaBots and Suidobashi Heavy Industry’s long-awaited robot brawl is finally gonna happen and it’s gonna happen live as both companies agree on showcasing their mech suits in action next week with a livestream of the event to be broadcasted via Twitch.tv
Participating in the long-awaited duel is MegaBots’ Eagle Prime and Suidobashi’s Kuratas, both million-dollar creations, that are set to battle after Megabots’ openly challenged Suidobashi in a mech battle a little over 2 years after the Kuratas was initially developed.
Suidobashi “increases” the steaks however as they want the duel to be in a hand-to-hand combat setup, although it seems like weapons aren’t ruled out as we see chainsaws being thrown into the mix with Suidobashi CEO Kogoro Kurata saying that he wants to “punch them to scrap and knock them down to do it”.
Sadly though, even if the fight will be broadcasted live on Twitch, it may not totally be a live event as a report from The Verge suggests that the battle will be pre-recorded “in order to give the teams time to repair their bots” with the fighting rounds “spread out over several days”, a disappointing fact that is actually understandable given that we have 2 12-ton hunks of steel that get to punch each other repeatedly.
You can watch the Kuratas-Eagle Prime Super Robot Fight on MegaBots’ Twitch Channel this October 17 at 7:00 PM PT (10:00 AM PHT).