As a brilliant scientist and the guardian angel of Overwatch, Dr. Angela Ziegler—codename Mercy—has dedicated her life to helping and healing others. From May 9th through May 21st, players can help Blizzard Entertainment and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation work toward a cure for breast cancer by purchasing the new PINK MERCY skin available now for a limited time on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
The world could always use more heroes, both in-game and out—which is why Overwatch has partnered with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to work toward a cure for breast cancer. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is the world’s largest private funder of breast cancer research, supporting the work of 275 scientists at leading medical and academic institutions in 15 countries across six continents.
The most common cancer in women worldwide, breast cancer is very close to the Overwatch team’s heart, with many of their friends and family having been personally affected by the devastating disease. The team is dedicated to helping advance breast cancer research, and Overwatch players can join us in supporting this noble cause.
But purchasing the PINK MERCY skin isn’t the only way for players to show their support! We’ve also created a limited-edition Pink Mercy charity shirt, unleashed a unique collection of Pink Mercy sprays and player icons you can get as Twitch Drops, and rallied an epic team of Overwatch content creators to stream for the cause. Please watch the trailer and visit our blog post to learn all the ways players can support! For more information about BCRF, visit (English only).
Over the next 14 days, a cadre of content creators from across the globe will be hosting charity Overwatch streams under the pink-ribboned banner of breast cancer research. On designated days, each creator will host a dedicated charity stream on Twitch, and all donations (including Twitch Bits) received during that specific stream will be sent to BCRF. From Southeast Asia, we are pleased to be working with Riku, a well-known shoutcaster, streamer and avid Overwatch fan from the Philippines. Her charity stream will go live on May 11 from 9pm (GMT+8) onwards at
Check out the schedule to see who else is participating and when their charity streams will be live.