Why you need to pay attention to the World Cosplay Summit

Written by Contributor

August 4, 2018

A part of the 2017 pamphlet for the World Cosplay Summit. You can see the pamphlet here.

It’s the week of the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) 2018 — cosplay pairs representing 36 countries are at Nagoya, Japan for a week of friendship, cultural exchange, teamwork and cosplay.

As a supporter of the WCS in the Philippines, I’m going to share the reasons why the local Cosplay community needs to pay attention to this annual gathering:

Find your cosplay inspiration here

Last year, Team China wowed the audience with a performance of Blood+, having used ways to depict the blood and violence that the series in the easiest way possible. This is just among the inspiring concepts that are exposed to the cosplaying public through the World Cosplay Summit.

For starters, executing a cosplay skit requires meticulous thinking, and looking at best practices helps. Through the World Cosplay Summit, the cosplaying public will know that the ones who execute their skits near effortlessly has the better ace — and some of their techniques will be then done in various places.

This is among the pageants of Cosplay, yes, but…

For an international competition, it’s natural that the WCS is compared with pageants here and there, but it does wonders to those who will join it. Varying from country to country, the WCS has opened windows to cosplayers around the globe to widen their horizons and step up higher.

Learning cultures of other countries, setting yourself to proper decorum even after your turn in the Summit… that’s among the things you will be immersed into in the Summit — if you think having the title and prestige of being the representative of your country to the Summit is a big deal, you’ve ain’t experienced the best moments yet.

Make this the pinnacle of your cosplay journey

The story of our Team SeKai who is representing the country in this year’s WCS is that they are both well-knowledgeable about cosplay competitions. They won’t stop in getting the gold — soon enough, they will be looking for rivals that they want to face, competitions that will give them the adrenaline rush they needed, and places that they haven’t been to. This is what it means to be in the pinnacle of your cosplay journey. With over 30 countries joining the WCS, who doesn’t want to be part of something momentous?

There are more reasons why cosplayers need to pay attention to the World Cosplay Summit, and it’s up for the next team to find it out so they can share their moment to inspire others.

The World Cosplay Championship will be streamed through NicoNico on Sunday, August 05.

Jay is a Marketing Services Associate by day and writer for his online journal keepsakes. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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