If you’re bored on the way home and tired of scrolling through your social media feed, Capcom might just have the thing your ears need: Guile’s sweet theme from Street Fighter 2 that goes with everything. Your Daily Spotify Mix is about to get more Hadoukens, Courtroom Objections, Airman and Monster Hunting as Capcom Sound Team has just made a lot yes, A LOT of their classic and their modern soundtracks available on Spotify.
Some of the goodies include the Mega Man 11 soundtrack, Monster Hunter World soundtrack, Pretty much every Street Fighter album ever from the classic ones to Street Fighter V, all of the Megaman/Rockman X soundtracks, Sengoku Basara, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (OBJECTION!!) and it’s spinoffs, Resident Evil/Biohazard, Okami, Breath of Fire, Dino Crisis, Devil May Cry and even special Arrange versions such as the Jazz version of the Monster Hunter soundtrack (Oh Japan), Remix soundtracks for Street Fighter games etc.
Before you get too excited though, some of the albums/tracks may be region locked so your mileage may vary. Despite that it’s still a huge leap forward for a Japanese company such as Capcom to make this available outside their home country. While many big western games have soundtracks available on the platform (I’ve listened to the Skyrim theme while shouting FUS ROH DAH more times than I would dare admit), Japanese companies have almost always kept their albums and digital offerings including music region locked.
Personally, i’ve always enjoyed and appreciated gaming music and classics such as the Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle soundtrack from Yuzo Koshiro (which is unfortunately still region locked on Spotify. Please Sega!) so this is is a “Thank You” Capcom from a humble fan. Capcom has been nailing it for the past year and have been releasing quality games such as the Resident Evil 2 Remake and Monster Hunter World. They even took the title of “Best Publisher” in terms of Metacritic score in 2018.
For starters, I highly recommend listening to “Brave or Grave” From the Street Fighter Zero/Alpha 3 soundtrack as it’s one of my favorite fighting game memories. Getting myself bodied by Final M. Bison (Vega)’s Full Screen Psycho Crusher ultimate over and over again while that bad ass head-bopping song is playing never got old.
You can listen to the entire Capcom sountrack right here.