Meet the Characters of Croixleur Sigma

Written by Contributor

March 31, 2019

Wielding magical blades, four girls fight back encroaching waves of monsters in this exhilarating hack & slash action game! Featuring various battle styles and a variety of weapons to mix and match (up to four) to develop your own unique fighting style.

This 360-degrees high-speed action is filled with exhilaration and has been highly evaluated across different platforms. Choose one of four girls and defeat a series of monsters occupying a variety of different arenas using various combos, speedy dashes and aerial attacks.

A seventeen-year-old girl from the royal family. Her nickname is Luc. Her personality is bright and straightforward, with no hidden intentions. She is also a genius with magic swords.
Since her style of combat resembles a whirlwind of flames, the Queen scolded her for being so reckless while also bestowing upon Luc the title of Vermilion Whirlwind.

A student of the knight house Shelta. Her nickname is Fran. A childhood friend to Luc since they were born. However, her attitude began to change in her mid-teens… Ever since they were set up to fight in a join combat trial at the Nito Towers, she talks to Luc in prickly tones no matter what.

The younger sister of the Queen, but she cannot get used to the virtuous, elegant world of nobility.
She’s not very good at making light conversation with girls her age, nor does she enjoy eating sweet candies in the school dorm. She much prefers talking to old people and shamans from other countries. She has some weird hobbies.

A black-haired girl hailing from Niyan, a country made up of many islands, far to the east of the Irance Queendom. Her father is an instructor in the ways of the sword and shamanic practices, and works as the Queen’s teacher. She has rare talents as a shaman herself, but she is barely aware of that fact.

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