With the opening of CODE VEIN demo, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia welcomes all players in Southeast Asia to try the game and compete in a contest held on Facebook – submit their best customized character design and win exclusive CODE VEINprizes! 3 best design will be selected by CODE VEIN Producer, Keita Iizuka. Contest details and prizes are as follows:
Where to access demo: PlayStation Store / Microsoft Store
Entry Submission: https://bnent.asia/CVDCCC
Contest Period: 3rd – 22nd September
Selection by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia Marketing Team: 23rd September
Selection by Game Producer: 23rd – 25th September
Winners Announcement: 27th September (Launch Day)
*More info about contest: https://bnent.asia/cvtrial
1st Prize:
- Standard Edition of CODE VEIN game
- Exclusive Art Board of ‘Mia’ and ‘Louis’ autographed by Producer Keita Iizuka
- Exclusive CODE VEIN Bandana
- Premium Sticker Set ‘Io’ and ‘Eva’
- CODE VEIN Drawstring Bag
2nd and 3rd Prize:
- Exclusive Art Board of ‘Mia’ and ‘Louis’ autographed by Producer Keita Iizuka
- Exclusive CODE VEIN Bandana
- Premium Sticker Set ‘Io’ and ‘Eva’
- CODE VEIN Drawstring Bag
The free demo for CODE VEIN is available now for PlayStation 4 and XBOX One!
In this demo, players will be able to dive into the Character Creator to create their own Revenant.
Players can experience an early section of the adventure, and explore the first part of “The Depths”, a challenging dungeon that will test any Revenant’s skills.
Improvement from Network Test Version
Based on the feedback from the ‘Network Test’ conducted in May, various improvement have been made to the game and are now implemented in the demo version. Check out the full list of improvements made via CODE VEIN’s official blog: https://www.code-vein.com/blog/?p=996 (Japanese)
CODE VEIN is set in the merciless world of Vein, offering a highly customizable Action RPG experience. CODE VEIN will be released for PlayStation 4, XBOX One and Steam for PC on 27th September 2019.
To know more about CODE VEIN, please visit https://www.code-vein.com, or https://bnent.asia/BNECV.