WEBZEN announced today its classic MMORPG MU Online will release its newest update Season 14: Part 2 on February 18th, 2020 (UTC).
After the scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, February 18th, MU Online Season 14: Part 2 will bring new features into the game, including a new field ‘Atlantis of the Abyss’, a second Mastery accessory ‘Earring of the Ancestor’, a new system ‘Monster Soul Changer’, a Rune Mage Mastery Weapon as well as a level cap increase to 1,150.
In the meantime, the MU Online team is running a pre-register event on the official website starting from today until the weekly maintenance on February 18th. Everyone who pre-registers for the upcoming update will receive a Demon Pet, a Scroll of Quickness, and a Bless of Light for free.
Additional support event rewards such as a Gold Channel Ticket and Scroll Package for both beginner and returnees will be available until Season 14: Part 2 goes live.
Atlantis of the Abyss is a new field that will be available for players above level 1,010. Atlantis of the Abyss is composed of 3 Levels and filled with both elemental and new elite monsters.
Along with the upcoming update, a new Mastery Accessory, the Earring of the Ancestor, will be added by upgrading the Earring of Rage. In addition, Rune Mage’s new Mastery 4th weapon and 5th armor will allow players to meet the more empowered Rune Mage with the Soul Rune Mace & Blue Eye Armor.
Also, players will earn more rewards by purchasing the Monster Soul Changer from Ruud Shop and slaying monsters filled with monster souls. Once players fill the Soul Changer with monster souls to a certain amount, they can exchange it for various rewards.
For further information on upcoming features and ongoing events, interested players are invited to check out MU Online’s official website at: http://muonline.webzen.com/events/season14part2/preview and join the official Facebook community at: https://www.facebook.com/MUWEBZEN/