The Opening Movie of Tales of Arise is now available. This movie, created by the famous anime studio Ufotable gives a glimpse at the epic journey that awaits players in Tales of Arise. This movie also features the game’s opening song, “HIBANA” by “KANKAKU PIERO”. Tales of Arise will follow the journey of Alphen and Shionne in their quest to free Dahna for the ruling of Rena. To help in their fight they will be joined by Rinwell, Law, Kisara and Dohalim, all bringing their own motives, stories and fighting capabilities to the group.
Tales of Arise will be available on 9th September 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and 10th September 2021 for PC via Steam. Pre-orders for the game are available on the BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia Store and participating retailers.