Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, the massive expansion that brings various new contents to Monster Hunter Rise, is coming on June 30, 2022! Here are the latest promotional trailer and introduction trailer of support equipment to reach the beginning of Sunbreak.
More powerful monsters will appear on SUNBREAK!
In the latest promotional trailer, more monsters made their appearance, namely Shagaru Magala, Scorned Magnamalo, and Furious Rajang
Shagaru Magala
The form taken by Gore Magala once they mature and molt. Gorgeous, glittering scales cover Shagaru Magala, and their divine wings are large enough to wrap around their entire body. According to records, one was once said to have scattered its black scales over an area the size of a mountain, annihilating any and all lifeforms inhabiting that region.
Scorned Magnamalo
A Magnamalo variant that achieves an even more twisted, malevolent form. Shrouded in Hellfire at all times, they also boast larger arm blades and harder armor plating. During battles, they have been spotted focusing their Hellfire and swinging it like a blade.
Furious Rajang
A Rajang variant covered in golden fur. Normally Rajang returns to their black-furred state after being agitated for a time to conserve energy, but these beasts have lost the ability to curb their anger. Outclassing the standard Rajang’s attack power, they assault with seething rage. At the apex of their fury, they become enraged and turn into destructive demons with electrified manes.
Master Utsushi will join the single-player-only “Follower Collab Quests” as Followers!
Master Utsushi will join the single-player-only Follower Collab Quests where you can go hunting with different characters in the story! Enjoy hunting with this very reliable mentor who teaches hunters everything about hunting.
Title Update 1, planned for an August release, will introduce Seething Bazelgeuse
There will be multiple, free post-release title updates for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
Title Update 1 will introduce a new locale known as the Forlorn Arena, as well as rare species such as Lucent Nargacuga and Seething Bazelgeuse, among others. There are still more monsters that have yet to announce, so watch out for future announcements!
Support equipment to reach the beginning of Sunbreak will be made available for free!
If you’re looking to jump right into the new content added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, be sure to complete the 7★ Hub Quest “Serpent Goddess of Thunder” from Monster Hunter Rise!
A set of powerful armor gear for hunters will be available for free, which will help you to quickly advance the progress of “Monster Hunter Rise” and enjoy Sunbreak’s new hunting experience earlier.
You can claim these from Senri the Mailman as soon as you start the game!
Black Belt S hunter armor set
Sports a defense of 330 (360 when upgraded to maximum), enough to withstand even high-rank monster attacks! You can increase its defense even more by equipping decorations!
14 Defender weapons
The 14 Defender weapons, which are already available, will get a high-rank upgrade tree! If you keep upgrading these weapons as you complete quests, they will become powerful enough to face even high-rank monsters!
Use the Black Belt S hunter armor set and 14 Defender weapons to complete the 7★ Hub Quest Serpent Goddess of Thunder and explore the world of Sunbreak!
About the upcoming title update for release day
On June 30, a major title update will be released to coincide with the release of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. After downloading this update, players who have purchased Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will be able to enjoy the new features and contents added by the expansion. Players who have yet to purchase the expansion will still be able to access a portion of the new content, such as weapon balance changes, and will also be able to download any free item packs and character edit vouchers.
Free demo of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is available now
Test out new Silkbind attacks and the new Switch Skill Swap feature! In addition, there are four quests for you to embark on.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a new hunter or a veteran, there’s a quest for you! Play each quest as many times as you want!
Item Pack: SUNBREAK Demo Player Bonus
Only players who played the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak DEMO and obtained Monster Hunter Rise can get the bonus.
Monster Hunter Franchise is Now On Sale!
MH franchise sale is now ongoing! You can get the main game Monster Hunter Rise digital version with a special offer until for Nintendo Switch on July 10, 2022 at 23:59 and for Steam, July 8, 2022 at 0:59. For those who have yet to obtain the main game, grab this chance to shop on the store of each platform. DLC packs are now on sale as well.