Ahoy mateys! Mast arrives in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE

Written by Chad

July 28, 2023

A grand voyage begins in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE, the hit mobile action RPG by Level Infinite, as the ferocious pirate aspirant, Mast, arrives. Everyone prepare to hit the deck and set sail as the new update also brings new content, including a new in-game event, Lost Sectors and story chapters.


Bon Voyage! It’s Mast the Pirate Aspirant

Joining the battlefield for this update is Mast, the pirate aspirant from Aegis. A ferocious supporter, Mast boosts the firepower of her teammates by applying buffs that increase critical hit rate and raises their max HP. Mast also adds more boost when the squad’s HP drops to a certain point.

Mast (SSR)

  • Class: Supporter
  • Weapon: Ferocity (SMG)
  • Manufacturer: Aegis
  • Code: Electric
  • Availability: Mast will be available in the Special Recruit Banner from July 20, 2023 to August 3, 2023


New events, cosmetics and more!

Of course, you can’t have a pirate aspirant without a ship and yes a new event, GOLDEN SHIP also arrives in today’s GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE update. Rumored to be the home to the legendary pirate, Captain Alligator’s stash, the GOLDEN SHIP holds precious treasure waiting for fearless adventures to claim them.  The GOLDEN SHIP event will be from July 20, 2023 to August 3, 2023 and will reward players with event items, skill enhancements and Recruit Vouchers.

Another addition to the July 20 update is a new costume for Yan called ‘Sunrise Market’. The Sunrise Market costume can be obtained through the August Mission Pass, so check it out.

GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE’s story also continues with new chapters, Chapters 23 and 24 added to the campaign plus new Lost Sectors to explore.

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