Teamfight Tactics: Cyber City – Official Set Reveal

Written by Contributor

March 17, 2025

Step into a futuristic metropolis where the stakes are high, and only the strongest crews survive in Teamfight Tactics: Cyber City. Launching soon on PC and mobile, Cyber City brings players into the heart of a vibrant city filled with competing factions vying for control. Fight for supremacy, expand your turf, and defend your crew in this high-tech, fast-paced set.

During the recent TFT Dev Drop, Riot Games showcased Cyber City’s electrifying gameplay highlights, including powerful new champions, unique traits, a new game mechanic, and eye-popping cosmetics. Cyber City promises a fresh, high-energy experience for both veterans and newcomers alike.



Cyber City introduces a lineup of powerful champions ready to battle it out for dominance on the streets and high up in the skyscrapers. After a long awaited return, Shaco makes an appearance in Cyber City as a 1-cost, while steady favorites Brand and Aphelios make their comeback as 4-cost heavy-hitters. In the 5-cost category, we’ll see the TFT debut of Aurora and Kobuko in new battle boss attire. Samira, Viego, Renekton, Garen, Zac, and Urgot are also part of the legendary lineup!



Traits & Origins

Cyber City brings innovative new traits and origins that challenge players to think outside the box:

  • Street Demon: Activate Street Demon hexes to power up your champions. Street Demon units placed in these marked hexes gain double the stats, with signature hexes granting even more power.
  • Anima Squad: Choose from an arsenal of weapons inspired by League of Legends game mode, Swarm. These weapons automatically fire during combat, turning the tide of battle when you need it most. Squaddies Include Vayne, Yuumi, Leona, and Aurora.
  • Golden Ox: Golden Ox champions increase damage and drop gold during combat. Spend big in a turn to increase bonuses permanently, but be prepared to save up for the next round of reinvestment.
  • Cypher: Cypher champions gather Intel by losing combat or killing enemies, and you can trade your Intel for loot during specific rounds. The more Cypher champions you recruit, the more Intel you’ll have at your disposal.
  • Syndicate: Upgrade a Syndicate champion with a Kingpin hat to enhance their abilities. At 5 Syndicate, choose another Kingpin and enhance their power even further. At 7 Syndicate, your Kingpins get even stronger and gain additional benefits!
  • Cyberbosses (Yordles): Cyber City introduces the Cyberbosses, a new Yordle faction that grows in size and power as they level up. These Yordles pack a punch with abilities that scale to their larger-than-life form.



Set Mechanic: Hacks

In Cyber City, hackers have infiltrated core TFT systems like Opening Encounters, Shops, Orbs, Carousels, and Augments, bringing unexpected changes to your gameplay. But don’t worry—these hackers are on your side, introducing “happy little hackciddents” that keep things fun and unpredictable. Examples include Augment Hacks that offer tough choices, like selecting one strong Augment or two weaker ones, and special changes to Augment slots, such as Black Market Augments from past sets. Shops can also be hacked, with lucky (tailored) shops appearing or 2-star champions popping up.

Additionally, Glitched Carousels make a return, bringing wild surprises like extra items, Anvils, or even the rare Sentinel Golems with random emblems. These hacks will be spread evenly across all players in each lobby, ensuring that everyone experiences the same level of fun chaos. With these delightfully disruptive hacks, Cyber City is set to offer a new and exciting layer of unpredictability to TFT.



Cosmetics Highlights

Cyber City offers players a slew of exciting new cosmetics, including Project: Vayne Unbound, Chibi Forecast Janna, Project: Edgefall Arena, new Little Legend duo Kuro & Shiro, and Portal skins.

With the launch of Cyber City, players can now personalize their Portals, alongside their Arena, Boom, and Tactician. The new Portal skins include deeply thematic designs, like a PROJECT-inspired Portal, as well as more subtle options for a variety of preferences. Portals, which serve as the means for Tacticians to travel throughout the Convergence, offer a unique form of customization that has been in development for a long time, adding another layer of personalization to the game.



Double Up and Tocker’s Trials

The beloved Double Up mode is officially leaving the Workshop and becoming a permanent part of Teamfight Tactics! With exciting updates such as premade lobbies, a player and up to seven friends can now queue for Double Up. The Teamwork Cannon is replacing the Rune of Allegiance, allowing players to send champions and items to their teammates during combat. Gift Armories are also getting a fresh update, with gifts now being free once again.

Tocker’s Trials will be updated for Cyber City to create the beloved PvE experience that so many players use to learn the ins-and-outs of a new set in a low-stakes, timerless environment. Tocker’s Trials will also be staying live throughout the entire duration of Cyber City!




Cyber City introduces a new tier of competition for TFT esports, launching with the following set. To qualify for the new tier of competition for Set 15, players will compete for a spot in their regional series based on their performance in Cyber City. The new tier of competition will run in parallel to the Tactician Trials and Tactician’s Cups, all leading to the Golden Spatula and ultimately the Tactician’s Crown event. These changes are meant to create a more stable Pro scene, a better tournament experience for players, a better fan experience, and more exciting, high-stakes play. More information can be found on the TFT website.



Quote from Liv Breeden, Lead Set Designer:

“We’re pushing the envelope with Cyber City. This set is about assembling your crew, adapting to what decisions are presented, and forging your own path. With the new mechanic Hacks, we’re presenting players with a new perspective on familiar mechanics and giving them more ways to engage with the game than ever before. It’s a dynamic, evolving experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”



Quote from Max Wischow, Head of Americas and EMEA TFT Esports:

“We’re thrilled to usher in this new chapter of TFT esports. Cyber City will be the gateway for the evolution of our competitive ecosystem, bringing exciting new opportunities for both competitive players and fans to engage in a more immersive and high-stakes scene in future sets.”

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