by Chad | Oct 27, 2011 | Gaming, News, PC, PS3
The Nightwing DLC for the Batman: Arkham City game is scheduled to release on November 1, 2011. This will make Nightwing playable on the Challenge Maps complete with his own special moves and gadgets. Plus, two additional maps will be included on the DLC...
by Chad | Oct 23, 2011 | Gaming, News, PC, Videos
Graphic card manufacturer Nvidia has posted the system requirements for the upcoming PC version of Batman Arkham City. the PC version of the game will hit the stores this November. Batman Arkham City is loaded with DirectX11 and PhysX enhancements so you...
by Chad | Oct 20, 2011 | Gaming, PC, PS3, Videos
Rocksteady Studio’s sequel to their successful Batman Arkham Asylum will become a wishlist for gamers this season, as Batman Arkham City is already released in the consoles and November 15 for the PC. With a bigger map to explore and tons of new...