Toycon 2014 Battle Arena

Toycon 2014 Battle Arena

We will be having our second Battle Arena event on Toycon 2014. Reimaru Files will once again be partnering with Back2Gaming and also with 99.5 PlayFM to bring you the second Battle Arena. Get ready for awesome console gaming and fighting game tournaments at Toycon...
Toycon 2014: Now celebrating its 13th Year

Toycon 2014: Now celebrating its 13th Year

What’s bigger than dinosaurs?  Giant robots.  What’s bigger than giant robots?  Godzilla.  What’s bigger than Godzilla?  Freakin’ outer space! Where a bunch of aliens are busy guarding the galaxy. There’s nothing that can compare with bigness.  But sometimes, even the...
What Should You Expect on E3 2014

What Should You Expect on E3 2014

In just a few days, the gaming’s biggest show will be unleashing a ton of game line ups and surprises. So what should you expect to see this year? The four-day event will be showcasing some of the most anticipated and unannounced titles and the newest hardest...