Phantasy Star Online 2 SEA Closed Beta Key Giveaway

Phantasy Star Online 2 SEA Closed Beta Key Giveaway

  Everyone’s waiting for more info about Phantasy Star Online 2, and we have a batch of screenshots of the localized version plus  how you can join for the Closed Beta test. Phantasy Star Online 2 is the sequel to the hit  MMORPG on the 2000 SEGA Dreamcast...
HearthStone Challenge Event Aftermath

HearthStone Challenge Event Aftermath

  We witnessed the first ever HearthStone community challenge at the Imperium last February 8, 2014. The event started around 2:00PM with 30 participants present for the tournament, there are also Hearthstone spectators attended the tournament that are also...
Join Now! PALIT Battlefield 4 Cup Asia

Join Now! PALIT Battlefield 4 Cup Asia

Palit, a leading manufacturer of graphic cards is proud to announce the PALIT Battlefield 4 Cup Asia will kick off from 1st January 2014. Inviting all the gamers to join the battle and win big prizes. In collaboration with NVIDIA, this 3 weekend long online...