In a unique blend of art and social awareness, Kwentoon, a Philippine start-up connecting young audiences to thoughtfully selected visual content, has teamed up with the Hapag Movement to help address involuntary hunger. As part of this advocacy, 10% of every...
Assassin’s Creed: Forgotten Temple is a Webcomic Collaboration with WEBTOON and Ubisoft
WEBTOON, the world’s largest digital comics platform, and Ubisoft today announced their first-ever global content collaboration with the original webcomic “Assassin’s Creed: Forgotten Temple.” Published by the prolific REDICE STUDIO, the series will bring a new...
Marvel Impresses with Increased Disability Representation
Considering that approximately15% of the world’s population is living with some kind of disability it is definitely not surprising that more pressure is being put on the media to increase their disability representation. Last year was a very big year for the comic...
DC Fandome Trailer Reactions: The Rebirth of the DCEU?
It’s no secret that the DC Comics movie franchise hit the gas way too early and had a disastrous production in what was supposed to be its first culminating film in the Justice League movie. With it bombing in the box office, it seemed like there was no more hope for...
APCC 2018 Post Event Report – Line Management the Real MVP
In case you guys want context on the previous APCC, check it out here. Asia Pop Comic Con came back again this year to give us all one heck of a time. Promising more celebrity guests, more artists, more cosplayers and an even more impressive Netflix booth, for...
Sometimes, size does not matter: WarnerTV Pop Expo 2018
Last July 14, WarnerTV held their second event in Bonifacio High Street for WarnerTV Pop Expo; an open event that has games, toys, and entertainment. Things are a bit different from last year, except for the confusing weather which was a mixture of sunshine and rain....
Netflix Returns to AsiaPop Comicon Manila 2018
Netflix will return to AsiaPop Comicon Manila, from July 27 to 29, at the SMX Convention Center. The #NetflixAPCC experience will be inspired by and designed especially for Pinoy fans. With bigger experiences, surprise guests, a sneak peek at what’s coming to Netflix...
Warner TV Pop Expo is back & bigger than ever!
It’s that time of the year again for fans, artists, and geeks to unite as Warner TV Pop Expo promises a bigger, better and geekier pop culture experience on Saturday, July 14, at Bonifacio High Street in Taguig City. Warner TV Pop Expo celebrates comics, art, movie...
A glance of Warner TV Pop Expo
One weekend dedicated to pop culture, thanks to Warner TV Pop Expo. Held at Bonifacio High Street last September 30, 2017, the venue was bustling with activity ranging from sword fighting lessons, combat archery, and art talks. A small gallery is seen near the creator...
Full Dark, No Stars: Speculating on Riverdale’s Future
Written by Ry Canteras, you can tweet Ry if you want to reach him on twitter @sabao72 Riverdale is a strange, strange, animal. The show chooses to forego its source material’s light-heartedness, humor and color and replaces all that with lots of neon on gloomy blue...