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Video Tuesdays: Awesome Team Fortress 2 Action Video

Video Tuesdays: Someone’s Making a Hylian Shield

For this week's Video Tuesdays, our favorite blacksmiths just forged Link's favorite shield. The guys at Man at Arms are crafting a different weapon this time, instead of crafting the usual swords, they went for a shield, and it's from the Legend of Zelda's Hylian...

Mecha Fridays: Stop Motion Transformers Mayhem

Mecha Fridays: Stop Motion Transformers Mayhem

For this week's Mecha Fridays, we take a look at some cool stop motion videos Stop motion videos takes a lot of patience and time to complete a 2 minute video, but if done properly, the results will be impressive, add a touch of special effects and you got yourselves...

We got a Bloodborne Teaser at our doorstep

We got a Bloodborne Teaser at our doorstep

And Mister Messenger sure looks like one of those characters in that game, or maybe we're just drunk. A mysterious package was sent to our HQ, curious on what's inside we opened the package with no hesitation. Upon removing the plastic wrap from the courier service,...

Video Tuesdays: Crazy Theme and Awesome Trailer

Video Tuesdays: Crazy Theme and Awesome Trailer

For this week's Video Tuesdays, we'll feature a fan made trailer and a made up lyrics for a theme song. First on the list is from the Zelda Project and Player Piano for their collaboration project for the Final Battle; a live-action recreation of the final battle...

Mecha Fridays: Stop Motion Transformers Mayhem

Mecha Fridays: March 13, 2015

Here's this week's Mecha Fridays, featuring some of the upcoming Gunplas; both regular and P-Bandai Online exclusives. Let's take a look at some of the upcoming kits. For those who are new to the Gunpla exclusives, they are only available through the the P-Bandai...

Mecha Fridays: Stop Motion Transformers Mayhem

Mecha Fridays: March 6, 2015

Every Friday we will be adding a new feature called Mecha Fridays, where we post some mecha-related collectibles or games in this weekly post. So let's start our first weekly feature with a ton of Gundam model kits (or we all know as Gunplas) and an action figure that...

Video Tuesdays: Crazy Theme and Awesome Trailer

Video Tuesdays: Dark and Gritty Power Rangers

Here's a Power Ranger short that is so dark and gritty, that some fans loved it and made Saban worried about the use of the Power Ranger brand. POWER/RANGERS is a fan made movie directed by Joseph Kahn and produced by Adi Shankar (the same person behind the Judge...

Combiner Wars could be the Best Transformers Toys

Combiner Wars could be the Best Transformers Toys

And fans will be swarming over at these toys once again. Hasbro has released a new line of Transformers figures this year, called Combiner Wars, and it will be focusing more on the Transformer Combiners; where five or six robots that can combine into a giant steel...

Meet the smallest Chess game for computers.

Meet the smallest Chess game for computers.

Only 487 bytes in filesize, this new computer chess game breaks a 33-year record. Meet BootChess, a Chess game for computers developed by French Coder, Olivier Poudade. Made to run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux computers, BootChess breaks the 33-year record as being...