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Every Character That Joined The X-Men

Every Character That Joined The X-Men

Take a look on the characters that joined the famous mutant team. Gaming and pop culture portal IGN uploaded a lengthy but incredible video showing the list of mutant characters that joined the X-Men since its beginning in 1963 up to the present day. It also provided...

Blacksmiths Create Dante’s Sword

Blacksmiths Create Dante’s Sword

They're back and with another awesome project Man at Arms Reforged, a web series featuring the creations of the real versions of video game, movie and TV series weapons, is back with another new episode. This time they are featuring Dante's Rebellion sword from the...

Get Ready for Tons of Nintendo Toys

Get Ready for Tons of Nintendo Toys

A new line of Nintendo figures and playsets will arriving this year. Toy brand Jakks Pacific is releasing a series of action figures and playsets based on famous Nintendo characters from the likes of Mario, Luigi, Samus, Link, Bowser and more. The World of Nintendo...

NES Modded in a TMNT Turtle Van

NES Modded in a TMNT Turtle Van

Time to go Cowabunga with the Nintendo Entertainment System TMNT turtle van mod. Modder Platinumfungi fitted his classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Turtle Van (which is really known as the Party Wagon) toy with a working Nintendo Entertainment System. And the end...

Watch as Skyrim’s Iron Helmet Forged in Real Life

Watch as Skyrim’s Iron Helmet Forged in Real Life

A group of blacksmiths decided to create the famous helmet from Skyrim. Man at Arms (now Man at Arms Reforged) is a web series on Youtube where several known blacksmiths in the film industry creates some of the legendary weapons from the pop culture scene, may it be...