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Ozine Fest 2014 Post Event Report: Such Surprise

Ozine Fest 2014 Post Event Report: Such Surprise

From all the events that we have covered from the past years, this may be the most disappointing one. Otakuzine or much known to many as Ozine is a monthly magazine that features anime and otaku culture and was published by PSICOM Publishing, Ozine was also known to...

PROLiNK UPS Seminar Event Aftermath

PROLiNK UPS Seminar Event Aftermath

Top IT brand PROLiNK held their Online UPS Seminar at the EDSA Shangrila Hotel last April 1, 2014. The event kicks off with Larry Siy from Redwood Ventures giving the opening speech as well as discussing on their contribution for the Yolanda Typhoon victims by...

HearthStone Challenge Event Aftermath

HearthStone Challenge Event Aftermath

  We witnessed the first ever HearthStone community challenge at the Imperium last February 8, 2014. The event started around 2:00PM with 30 participants present for the tournament, there are also Hearthstone spectators attended the tournament that are also...

[Event Aftermath] SMM Cybercafe Owner’s Meeting

[Event Aftermath] SMM Cybercafe Owner’s Meeting

Sendi Mutiara Multimedia Philippines, a cybercafe business solution, held their very first cybercafe owner's meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel last December 14, 2013. During the said gathering, SMM Philippines revealed the rundown of their services to the attendees, which...

Event Aftermath: Cosplay Mania 2013

Event Aftermath: Cosplay Mania 2013

  It's another big event on October for cosplayers and otakus. Vanessa from Scene Index made an Aftermath Report on Cosplay Mania 2013 to give you the rundown on what happened at the said event. And we also made an Aftermath Video of the event as well, so enjoy...

LoL Rampage 2013 Aftermath Video

LoL Rampage 2013 Aftermath Video

    It's another month of cool events and Reimaru Files were at the recent League of Legends Rampage 2013 to cover it. Our sister site for pop culture Scene Index provided the in-depth event report on Rampage and gaming site Critical Index provided their...

Level Up Live 2013 Event Aftermath

Level Up Live 2013 Event Aftermath

  Local online game publisher Level Up! Games held its annual gaming event at the World Trade Center last July 6, 2013. They featured some of their popular games on the spotlight and offered tournaments and activities for their loyal fans. Let's make a recap on...