BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia announce today the 4th installment of the popular GUNDAM plastic model (also known as "Gunpla") action game New GUNDAM BREAKER. The game will allow players to freely combine Gunpla heads, torsos, arms and other parts to create their...
Check Out the Gunpla Reveals for the Next Phase Gunpla Project
Here are some of the upcoming Gunpla kits that you could look forward to this early 2018. Last November, Bandai revealed their Next Phase Gunpla Project where they will be showcasing previews of their upcoming Gunpla kits at Gundam Base Tokyo. These previews will be...
Mecha Fridays: This year in Gundam
Ending a bloodbath, starting a new one and a whole lot of P-Bandai. 2017 marks the 38th year of existence of one of the biggest eastern franchises in History that is Gundam. With more than 40 shows, tons of pages of manga adaptations and of course hundreds, if not,...
Mecha Fridays: Just wild beat, Gundam Wing
A look back at the series that bought Gundam to the West. The year was 2000, and the Western anime audience welcomed a new breed of anime that revolutionized Western anime viewing and helped introduce thousands of new viewers into the colorful world that is the Gundam...
Gundam Versus is Now Available
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia, the premier publisher of anime video games today launches the English version of GUNDAM VERSUS for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia). Take...
Mecha Fridays: The Bootleg Issue
Yes, we're all gonna argue about this. Some major new shook the mecha model kit scene this week as photos of what looked to be a factory raid on one of the most prolific non-official third-party y Gunpla manufacturer Dragon Momoko with the raid instigated by none...
Mecha Fridays: Day of the Unicorn
They called it "Gundam". We're nowhere near one full year since the idea was presented but the Day of the Unicorn will look to come this month as Tokyo's newest Gundam attraction, the lifesize replica of the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam is slated for unveiling this coming...
Mecha Fridays: Shall we remake Mobile Suit Gundam?
Well, we've had Origins so why not complete the ride? The beloved mecha anime series, Mobile Suit Gundam, otherwise known as Gundam UC 0079 might just be going down the path of being remastered or remade as Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, one of the character designers for the...
It’s a little early but Bandai Namco announces SEA Open Beta for Gundam Versus
Gundam fight! South East Asia' Ber-season is Gundam season as video game developer and publisher Bandai Namco announces the dates of the SEA region open beta phase for their upcoming tile GUNDAM VERSUS. Kicking off this early September, Bandai Namco will let players...
Mecha Fridays: So what exactly are Gunpla Cos Heroines?
Waifus, get your new Gunpla Waifus here. So I've been pretty much away from any Gundam, Gunpla, or Mecha related stuff for a few weeks because reasons and opening up my Social Media news feed today, perhaps the darnedest thing for this month happened as I stumbled...