Sega is thrilled to announce that the Sonic the Hedgehog film series, produced by SEGA of America, Inc. and Paramount Pictures Corporation, grossed over $1B (¥157B) in the global box office. Released in February 2020 and April 2022, respectively, Sonic the Hedgehog...
SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS Will Get the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Pack on December
SEGA has unveiled new information about SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS, which is scheduled to launch on October 25, 2024 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Steam, and Epic Games Store. The Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Pack is coming...
Donny Pangilinan portrays an esports gamer in ‘GG’ Movie
In ‘GG,’ actor Donny Pangilinan goes out of his comfort zone by portraying Seth, an introverted gamer who plays for a rookie esports team while experiencing various personal challenges. Directed by Prime Cruz, “GG” or “Good Game” is produced by Mediaworks, Cignal...
Philips Monitors Celebrates Partnership with Sony Pictures’ Uncharted with Thrilling Promo
A thrilling February awaits gaming fans and movie enthusiasts as leading display solutions provider Philips Monitors partners up with Sony Pictures’ Uncharted to deliver high-performance gaming monitors and exciting freebies to top it off. The partnership celebrates...
Our picks for the biggest and most notable Marvel reveals from Disney’s Investor Day
It's Marvel baby! Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its tie-up shows are in for a treat as Disney reveals what's coming to the franchise over the next few years. Despite the lack of new films this 2020, thanks to COVID-19, 2021 and beyond is filled to the brim...
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Artemis Movie Quest Special Collaboration Now Available
Artemis Monster Hunter Movie Quest is now available on PS4/Steam Monster Hunter World: Iceborne! Get a taste of the new movie Monster Hunter in this special collaboration event! Play as Artemis (voiced by Milla Jovovich) from the new movie...
Monsters, Weapons, Story: What we know so far about the Monster Hunter movie
We're still not sure why they're using a fire weapon on Rathalos. Live-action video game movies just can't go away don't they and just when we thought that Sonic the Hedgehog was the only film that pushed through given the sudden global quarantine, one more film...
DEEMO THE MOVIE: Latest Promo Video Released
PONY CANYON INC. has released the latest promo video for DEEMO THE MOVIE, and the official Twitter page is also now available, where up-to-date information regarding the animation film will be shared. DEEMO, one of Rayark’s most well-known games, weaves an emotionally...
DC Fandome Trailer Reactions: The Rebirth of the DCEU?
It’s no secret that the DC Comics movie franchise hit the gas way too early and had a disastrous production in what was supposed to be its first culminating film in the Justice League movie. With it bombing in the box office, it seemed like there was no more hope for...
The Snyder Cut – Justice Finally?
We all know what happened to 2017’s Justice League. What seemed like a fever dream for many childhoods ended up crashing down in a nightmare. From middling to bad reviews, Superman’s mustache memes and a complete flop in the box office, it was a dark day for fans of...