The Potterverse is alive and kicking, as the sequel to the yet-to-be-released Fantastic Beasts is already in the works. As the theatrical adaptation comes out later this year, a sequel to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a separate story yet still based on...
Willem Dafoe will play Ryuk for Netflix’s Death Note adaptation
The Green Goblin from Tobey Maguire's Spider-man will once again play another crazed character, this time from Netflix's adaptation of the Anime Death Note. Netflix's live adaptation of the manga and anime hit Death Note is well underway and big names are being reeled...
SDCC 2016: More awesome reveals
As the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con comes to a close, here are more sneak peeks and trailers for all fans out there: 1) Continuing our previous SDCC post, Gal Gadot uploaded in her Twitter account a first look at the poster of her upcoming movie 'Wonder Woman'. Later on...
SDCC 2016: What happened so far
In case you haven't been browsing the internet the past few days or is not be into this kind of fandom, it's still impossible not to wind of any news about this year's San Diego Comic-Con, the biggest pop culture and geek convention in the world which...
Minecraft movie gets a release date
And you thought you'll forget about it. A quick update from Mojang, developers of the hit sandbox title Minecraft, finally reveals the release date of the game's movie adaptation. To be released under Warner Bros. and directed by Rob McElhenne from It's Always Sunny...
The Important Things Filipino Viewers Must Know about the WarCraft Movie
What's inside may surprise you! This week will open up yet another attempt at a video game film adaptation through the way of one of the world's most biggest franchises, Blizzard's WarCraft. Started off as a Real Time Strategy game for the PC, WarCraft grew to become...
Get a free Digital Copy of WoW when you watch the WarCraft Movie this coming May 25!
Blizzard invites everyone to watch the cinematic adaptation to their most celebrated video game franchise. UPDATE You have to purchase 3D tickets to avail for the free trial according to Blizzard, as for the list of participating SM Cinemas, you may refer to this...
Going baths*t crazy over Stephen Chow’s “The Mermaid”
Actor, director and movie producer Stephen Chow has done it again-- his modern take on the fictional part-fish, part-human creatures, commonly known as mermaids, broke numerous box office records since it was released in China in February 2016. His latest movie "The...
Over 100 Lionsgate Films soon to be available on Steam
So, #SteamNChill? The popular video game digital distribution platform has now fully become multimedia as it receives its newest digital products through the form of movies produced and created by Lionsgate. This recent partnership brings in more than 100 Lionsgate...
MSI Teams Up with Warner Bros. & DC Entertainment to Launch “The Hero’s Choice” Campaign
As two legendary DC Comics Super Heroes come face-to-face on the big screen for the first time, Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) has teamed up with a powerhouse slate of global licensees for a broad, multi-category licensing, merchandising and promotional program...