Week in Geek: Week 4 – January 2020
For this week's recap, we listed five of the big stories in the geek scene to help you refresh on what's happening in your favorite geek interests. Welcome back for another episode of Week in Geek, where we put up a recap on some of the big stories in the geek culture...
Week in Geek: Week 3 – January 2020
Welcome back to Week in Geek, where we do a recap on the big stories that happened in the geek scene, may it be for gaming, anime, tech, comics and other pop culture topics. A lot of big stuff has just happened in a span of one week, so we listed out the big ones that...
Week in Geek: Week 2 – January 2020
Welcome to the Week in Geek, the new series where we recapped some of the five biggest stories in the geek culture scene in a particular week, this helps everyone to get a refresher on what happened in the scene. Last week had some cool news in the geekdom, so to give...
Week in Geek: Week 1 – January 2020
Welcome to the Week in Geek, the new series where we recapped some of the five biggest stories in the geek culture scene in a particular week, this helps everyone to get a refresher on what happened in the scene. For this episode, we have some stories for certain geek...
Get to know Bright Memory: Infinite with its new trailer
PLAYISM is happy to announce that, self-taught solo developer FYQD Studio has released a store page and brand new RTX trailer for his upcoming game Bright Memory: Infinite. With technologies such as RT Reflection, RT Shadows, RT Global Illumination and RT Ambient...
LA-MULANA 1 & 2 Release Date Announced
Do you dare venture into the depths of La-Mulana and Eg-Lana? In LA-MULANA 1 & 2, navigating these ruins is no easy feat, as seen in our newest trailer. The player must brandish their whip and sharpen their wit to truly conquer the mysteries that lie within this...
Story and Character Trailer for Langrisser I is here
Join Ledin, the prince of Baldea, to reclaim the Sacred Sword Langrisser and seal the evil that threatens to consume the world in the story and character trailer for Langrisser I, part of the upcoming Langrisser I & II for PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Meet the...
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Launch Trailer
Watch the official Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Launch Trailer that showcases the all new graphical and technical enhancements on display in the PC version, as Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang desperately try to outrun the law. After being hounded off the...
Stroll Down Memory Lane with Members of the Original WoW Team
Right now, players around the world are gearing up to return to the Azeroth of yesteryear with World of Warcraft Classic. To commemorate the occasion, Blizzard assembled some members of the original World of Warcraft team for an epic play session with the game that...