SQUARE ENIX today teased new footage of the opening cinematic for Legend of Mana, the remastered version of the fourth installment in the classic Mana series, as part of its SQUARE ENIX PRESENTS summer showcase. Long-time fans and newcomers can watch the beloved...
New RPG Title MONARK is coming early 2022
NIS America is excited to announce that MONARK will be releasing on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC in early 2022. Could you face yourself and the threats around you to save the ones you love? Shin Mikado Academy is engulfed in a madness-inducing...
Meet the Two New Characters Who Join the Tales of Arise Cast
The new video for Tales of ARISE presents the region of Elde Menancia, a luxurious and diverse region of Dahna, and its capital of Viscint. Here players will meet Kisara and Dohalim, the last two characters to join Alphen, Shionne, Rinwell and Law in their quest to...
Elden Ring Finally Showcases its Gameplay and Release Date
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia is pleased to announce that ELDEN RING will be released on 21st January 2022 for PlayStation®5 and PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC Digital via Steam in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and...
Discover more in SCARLET NEXUS’ Game System
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia is pleased to announce more detailed information about SCARLET NEXUS’ game system, as well as the opening animation of the game. The game will be available from 24th June 2021 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox...
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and SEGA Announce Lost Judgment
SEGA and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio announced Lost Judgment, a sequel to the critically acclaimed Judgment. From the studio that brought you the Yakuza series, Lost Judgment weaves elements of detective sleuthing, noir narrative and action combat into one mystery thriller...
Tales of ARISE Releases on September 9 in Southeast Asia
Tales of ARISE will be available on 9th September 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and 10th September 2021 for PC via Steam in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia). The game marks a new entry in the...
Explore the World of Chinese Mythology in Immortals Fenyx Rising: Myths of the Eastern Realm, Available Now
Ubisoft announced that Immortals Fenyx Rising - Myths of the Eastern Realm, the 2nd narrative DLC, is now available worldwide. Additionally, players who haven’t had a chance to try Immortals Fenyx Rising can get a taste of its climbing, gliding and aerial melee combat...
TEKKEN 7 New Character Lidia Sobieska is Now Available
Lidia Sobieska will be joining the fray in TEKKEN 7 as the last character of the Season Pass 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvbIMoFVkWc&feature=youtu.be Lidia has always been an upright and resolute woman. She believes that justice requires absolute power,...
The Game Announcements at Square Enix Presents Spring 2021
More reveals of new titles and updates on current games from Square Enix. Square Enix released their online show Square Enix Presents to showcase their upcoming and newly revealed game titles. Though it focused more on its Western developed games and very few from...