Archive for the ‘Others’ Category

Fake Razer Gears Detected

Published by Chad on January 2nd, 2012 - in Gadgets, Guides, Others


Whenever you are looking for products online, be sure to check if the product they are selling are actually genuine and not bootlegs. Razer, one of the top brands in PC gaming peripherals was not exempted in the list of pirated products. Click on more to find out.



Press Release: Prowling to Greener Pastures

Published by Alex on December 21st, 2011 - in News, Others, Press Release

Philippines beauty queen Answering questions from the press image

Many companies nowadays have little or no concern for the environment. They don’t mind emitting a large amount of smoke, cutting down trees, and polluting waters as long as they make money. Among those ruthless companies are those in the computer industry. A lot of computers are so efficient but consume a lot of energy, bringing forth negative environmental effects.


Welcome to the all new Reimaru Files

Published by Chad on June 2nd, 2011 - in Others

Hi guys,

Thanks for visiting my blog for the past three years, from Granado Espada days up to today.

And I’m proud to announce our all new blog site, and I promise to bring more gaming goodness in the following days, so stay tuned for that.

And if you try to visit my old Blogger page, it will now redirect you to my new site.

I hope you all enjoy the hip new layout and the all new logo


Until then, happy gaming

Light a Candle for Japan

Published by Chad on March 13th, 2011 - in Others

Happy Hearts Day

Published by Chad on February 13th, 2011 - in Others

Welcome to The All New Reimaru Files

Published by Chad on January 9th, 2011 - in Others

Yep, as you can notice, The Reimaru Files just got a new layout, a much fresher and cleaner look compared to the previous years where the blog had more of a darker feel.

And aside from that, we will be offering more contents and features to keep you guys updated on games, animes, movies, collectibles and the epic lolz on the internet. So stick around folks, Reimaru Files has reached level 3…

Happy New Year

Published by Chad on December 31st, 2010 - in Others

Well the year 2010 is about to close in a few hours, another great year has ended, and a new adventure for new year awaits. And the best part is that The Reimaru Files will be bigger next year; with new games to feature, cool stuffs to share from the intarwebs, and more events to cover, and of course, more features will be added so stay tuned for that.

So let’s all chill and celebrate the arrival of 2011. Happy New Year everyone!!

Merry Christmas

Published by Chad on December 24th, 2010 - in Others

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