Categorize the fantastic paper-animals before they flee the bestiary which contains them!
Use the taxonomic cubes! Feed the brutes!
Categorize the fantastic paper-animals before they flee the bestiary which contains them!
Use the taxonomic cubes! Feed the brutes!
“Gua-Le-Ni, or: The Horrendous Parade”, the first commercially-released casual video game whose development and tuning were guided by the analysis of its players’ psychophysiological responses, is about to be released for the Apple iPad.
Double Jungle and Stefano Gualeni announce that their first iPad videogame “Gua-Le-Ni, or: The Horrendous Parade” is a few days away from release.
A sad day in the world of gadgets and technology, as the founder of Apple and the creator of the iPod, iPhone and the iPad, Steve Jobs died at the age of 56.
At Apple’s website, a black and white image of Steve Jobs will greet the visitors, which includes a simple message:
“Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.”
You may also send your condolences to this email:
We thank you Steve for your ideas and innovations that changed the world we see today.